The Mystical Positivist is now a weekly radio show on KOWS-LP 107.3 FM, Occidental, CA. Listen live on Saturday evenings from 4:00 - 6:00pm, PST, via the web at KOWS Live Stream.
This week's podcast features:
- A New Years Eve conversation with Jim Dreaver. Jim, a native of New Zealand, was on a spiritual journey for twenty years, beginning in 1975 with the teachings of J. Krishnamurti. Then he met European non-dual master Jean Klein in 1984, and under his guidance finally awakened to freedom—freedom from the “I,” the “me,” and all its stories—in the spring of 1995. His mission now is to guide others to the same realization, but in a much shorter time. He teaches at Esalen Institute, in Los Angeles, and elsewhere and also offers private sessions.
His book, end your story. Begin your life… Mastering the Practice of Freedom (Hampton Roads, paperback, $16.95) is now available. He has also published The Ultimate Cure: The Healing Energy Within You (Llewellyn, 1995), his first book on spiritual transformation, which was translated into 4 languages, and The Way of Harmony (Avon, 1999), a guide to dealing with relationships, work, and daily life in a conscious way, written just after his awakening. He has also written a novel, Falling into Light, about a young boy’s spiritual journey.
More information about Jim Dreaver's work can be found at:
- Jim Dreaver's Website:
- "Falling into Light" Website: